Murus Gallicus

Murus Gallicus

The game is played on a 8 x 7 board with 16 counters for each side, initially stacked upon each other in doubles. The double is called Tower and the singleton is called Wall. The latter cannot move. The Tower changes to two Wall pieces by distributing them two steps in any direction. Should a friendly Wall occupy any of the squares, then a singleton is stacked upon it, which means that it turns into a Tower. A Tower may also capture an adjacent enemy Wall by sacrificing its topmost singleton. Thereby a Wall remains on the original square. White represents the Romans and Black represents the Gauls. White moves first. Win is achieved by either placing a singleton onto the opponent’s home row or by stalemating the opponent.

Murus Gallicus was invented in 2005 by Phil Leduc. The name refers to the stone walls used in the Gallic wars that took place in Gaul, now modern day France. One may distribute a Tower so that a friendly Wall on the second square becomes a Tower. Try to use this double movement for offensive maneuvers. Although Wall placement is mostly for defensive blocking, remember that a Wall can act as a stepping stone for double movement. A variant called Advanced Murus Gallicus, featuring the Catapult, has also been implemented.


Murus Gallicus, example 1In this example, the Tower goes north and distributes the two singletons according to the following diagram.

Murus Gallicus, example 2The Tower has become two singletons that cannot move.

Murus Gallicus, example 3If the Tower goes NE, it drops one singleton on the way and places the other on top of the friendly Wall.

Murus Gallicus, example 4The result is that the Tower has transported itself two steps.


‘Murus Gallicus (game)’. Wikipedia article. (here)

Ploog, D. (2009). ‘Murus Gallicus’. (here)

Leduc, P. (2009). ‘Murus Gallicus’. (here)

☛  You can download my free Murus Gallicus program here (updated 2022-05-20), but you must own the software Zillions of Games to be able to run it. (I recommend the download version.)

☛  Don’t miss my other chess variants.

© M. Winther (May 2022).