Frog King Chess

Frog King Chess

The king can jump orthogonally over a friendly pawn to capture an enemy piece on the other side

The only difference between Frog King Chess and regular chess is that the King may also capture by the short leap in the orthogonal directions (i.e., vertically and horizontally). It jumps over a friendly pawn and lands immediately behind. It cannot move this way; only capture. Due to this, the endgame K + P versus K is won (for non-trivial positions).

Frog King Chess, exampleWhite can here checkmate the black King.

In Frog King Chess, drawish endgames will occur less often. Certain theoretical endgames that have hitherto been drawn are now won. Rook Pawn assisted by the “wrong” Bishop is won. The opening game isn’t affected at all. Nor does it have a significant effect on the middle game. However, sometimes the King may assist in an attack on the enemy King. The forbear of this move is the capture move of the Chinese Cannon.

Note: in an alternative variant, the King may jump over whichever friendly piece.

☛  You can download my free Frog King Chess program here (updated 10/11-21), but you must own the software Zillions of Games to be able to run it (I recommend the download version).

☛  Don't miss my other chess variants.

© M. Winther, 2021 November