Chess Attack

Chess Attack (mini variant)
Setup for Chess Attack on a 5x6 board.

The rules are like standard chess, including long castling, pawn double-step, and ‘en passant’. A light piece is worth two pawns on this small board. To sacrifice a light piece for two pawns is a sound strategy. The game seems to work, because one could lose if one plays carelessly. The game is designed for children, since it is easier for them to learn chess on this small board.

Chess Attack was published by Norway company Yes Games AS in 2008. (Inventor unknown.) The game was endorsed by World Champion Magnus Carlsen and Alexandra Kosteniuk (Wikipedia). The first miniature chess variant, Petty Chess, was invented by B. Walker Watson and published in September 1930 in a letter to British Chess Magazine.


‘Mini Chess’. Wikipedia article (here)

☛  You can download my free Chess Attack program here, but you must own the software Zillions of Games to be able to run it. (I recommend the download version.)

© M. Winther (Nov 2021).