
A Moroccan board game

Fetaix (qireq)

Fetaix derives from Morocco. It belongs to the Alquerque family. Another name for the game is qireq. Counters can move and capture, by the short leap, forwards and sideways. They are obliged to follow the pattern on the board. Capture is compulsory. Counters are promoted to Mullahs at the last rank. The Mullah (King) moves and captures in all directions. Goal is to capture all the opponent’s counters. The Mullah moves any number of squares, and captures like the King in international draughts, landing anywhere behind the captured piece. In Mullah endgames, a majority of one Mullah is sufficient for a win.

A counter moves to an empty adjacent point. If an adjacent point is occupied by an enemy counter and the point directly behind is vacant, then one can jump over it and capture it, as in checkers. Several pieces may be captured like this in a single turn. Captured pieces are removed instantly from the board.



See also:

‘The history of checkers/draughts’ (here)

☛  You can download my free Fetaix program here (updated 2020-10-16), but you must own the software Zillions of Games to be able to run it.

© M. Winther 2017